Student Poster Session: “AI and I in My Future Profession”

Citation: OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT-4o (November 26 version) [Large language model].

This above announcement (in blue) was auto-generated by prompting ChatGPT-4o and DALL-E with key event information. Notice promo image inaccuracies and fake Western buildings. The event is real though, and everyone is invited! If this is still confusing, here is what’s happening again, written this time by me, the Prof of this class:

This Fall 20224 term end-of-course Poster Session is called “AI and I in my Future Profession: Automated Conversations, Prompt Engineering, and Mining for Insights,presented to you by eighteen students from LIS, HIS, MS, Education, and Computer Science programs taking the FIMS 9732 course “HOW COMPUTERS TALK TO US: Conversational AI Technologies Design & Uses. Student Posters will overview AI-enabled Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications in their capabilities and limitations. This poster session will be held from 10:00 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 December 2024, in the Atrium of the FIMS Building (FNB) at Western University (London, ON). Open to the FIMS and Western community as well as general public. Cookies and drinks provided. Hope to see you all there! Dr. Vicki Rubin

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